HeAt PumPs in existing multi-family buildings for achieving union’s ENergy and envIroNmental Goals
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Buildings are currently responsible for 40% of energy demands and 36% of CO2 emissions in Europe.
Heat pumps are the perfect technology for incorporating renewable electricity into heat production in buildings using photovoltaic panels.
The HAPPENING project was created to promote the installation of heat pumps combined with the production of clean electricity in existing multifamily residential building.

HAPPENING’s technological proposal is based on decentralised heat pumps, which are shared by residents in a building. They are simple-to-install, they do not bother the people living in the building and they can be easily adapted to a large number of different building situations. This leads to savings for individuals, improved indoor comfort and a significant reduction in the building’s CO2 emissions, thus helping to decarbonise and achieve the EU’s climate targets.

By using three sites that have very different climates and features (in Spain, Italy and Austria) the HAPPENING project will demonstrate a package of highly versatile, scalable and replicable solutions to modernise energy systems in buildings.
It is estimated that the solutions package proposed by the HAPPENING project will allow over 70% of renewable energy, more than 30% of savings in primary energy and greenhouse gases (GHG), 50% less planning time, 30% less installation/operation time and a payback period for energy service companies (ESCOs) and investors of less than 8 years, in comparison with the best solution currently available.
Pasaia (Spain)
Verzuolo (Italy)
Liezen (Austria)
Eleven organisations from four European countries make up the consortium: Cartif, Tecnalia, Alokabide, ANESE and Green Building Council España (Spain), EURAC, Tecnozenith, INNOVA y RINA-C (Italy); AEE y GWS (Austria) y Fraunhofer (Germany).

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