Pasaia (Spain)


The Spanish pilot project will take place in Pasaia in the region of Guipuzkoa. The building contains eight dwellings homes owned by a public social housing. The climate is typical of the Cantabrian coast, with cold winters and mild summers.

Climatic zone (Köppen): Climatic zone (Köppen): Cfb (temperate oceanic climate) ​

Weather characteristics: ​

  • Mild winter, with average temperature clearly higher than the other pilot sites 
  • Summer: temperatures remain also moderate

Building description

Built in 2008, multi-family building with 8 dwellings, split into two floors. All the dwellings are similar in size: 2 or 3 room apartments, ≈75 m2/each.  

Ownership: Building owned by a public non-profit social housing company

Existing heating and DHW System: Individual gas boilers for space heating and DHW and a solar thermal installation (never started) in the roof with individual thermal storage in each dwelling (100 litres). Radiators as heat emitters in the main rooms. Supply/return temperatures: 80/60 ºC.

Existing control and monitoring System: There is no monitoring system installed. Basic control system in each dwelling: water supply controlled by ambient thermostats (on/off control strategy).

Building energy consumption

Consumption data (estimations based on “Plan Zero Plana”):

Space heating and DHW ≈ 32,3 MWh/y

Electricity consumption ≈ 12,8 MWh/y

What has been done

  • Detailed implementation projects finalized 
  • Permisissions for the work ready
  • Preliminary works planning ready
  • Most of the equipment required for the works already received
  • Heat Pumps configuration and communication tests ongoing