
European Project HAPPENING Showcases Energy Transition through Heat Pumps at Saluzzo Event Saluzzo, Italy – May 17, 2023 – The Sustainable Energy Days , a flagship initiative led by the European Commission as part of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW ), recently featured an event (ED089) in Saluzzo, Italy, highlighting the pivotal role of heat pumps in driving the energy transition. The event aimed […]


HAPPENING at local newspapers from Saluzzo

Gazzetta di Saluzzo THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE PROMOTED BY TECNOZENITH Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of May, Tecnozenith host the fifth general assembly of the project “Happening”, financed by the European Commission in the context of the Horizon 2020 program. The project focus on a new solution and technology to renovate from an energy point of […]


Webinar – Energy generation and storage technologies in buildings

On Thursday 26th January from 11.00H – 12.30H CET, BUILD UP welcomed the SunHorizon, HAPPENING, MiniStor and ComBioTES projects in the first BUILD UP organised and hosted webinar of 2023. The event was organised under the January 2023 Topic of the Month “Renewable heating solutions for buildings”. WATCH THE FULL VIDEO HERE   Moderated by Aranzazu Galán, Senior Researcher at Université […]


Jornada ANESE y Oficina Verde sobre «Hibridación de sistemas: Solar térmica, fotovoltaica y aerotermia

“Jon Iturralde, de TECNALIA, ha presentado el proyecto HAPPENING  el 10 de noviembre, en la “Jornada hibridación de sistemas” organizado por ANESE y la Oficina Verde del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Se ha presentado el concepto HAPPENING como una solución basadas en bombas de calor para la rehabilitación (de la parte activa) de viviendas multifamiliares existentes […]


Descarbonización de edificios multi-familiares existentes con soluciones reales     La jornada tendrá como objetivo analizar la actualidad del sector en cuanto a la “electrificación” y “renovabilización” de edificios multi-familiares existentes, para hacerlos más sostenibles para el futuro. Se proveerá de una visión general del mercado actual,  y seguidamente se presentarán tecnologías concretas y aplicaciones reales de éstas, que contribuyen a este […]


Happening has participated in Germany’s largest energy transition conference “Berliner ENERGIETAGE”.

Berliner ENERGIETAGE it is the major annual conference of the Energiewende (“energy transition”) in Germany, hosting dozens of single events and panels three days a year in late spring. The Energietage are adding up more than 150 hours of panels with about 300 speakers out of every related branch  each year. Most single events are organized and distributed by […]

General Assembly in Bolzano, Italy

HAPPENING celebrates its first year with ambitious and positive results in the testing phase of the developed technology

The General Assembly agreed to move on to the next phase, focusing on the application of the technology in pilot projects in Spain, Italy and Austria. “HAPPENING Consortium partners gathered in Bolzano (Italy) to celebrate our 1st anniversary of the project in the 2nd General Assembly, where we had the opportunity to learn about the […]