HAPPENING at local newspapers from Saluzzo

Gazzetta di Saluzzo
Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of May, Tecnozenith host the fifth general assembly of the project “Happening”, financed by the European Commission in the context of the Horizon 2020 program. The project focus on a new solution and technology to renovate from an energy point of view the existent buildings, by using heat pumps and micro-heat pumps as teminal in the rooms, tanking advantage of the existent ditribution system with a neutral temperature water circuit (25°C c.a.).
This technology offers the possibility to renovate buildings (in particular, multi-family houses) by using heat pumps and the previous distribution networ, avoiding invasive interventions inside the houses.
Tecnozenith is one of 12 partners of the project that involves Italian, Spanish, German and Austrian companies and research institutes, and it’s the partner that provided the Italian example.
The prototipe building of this project is located in Verzuolo, in Castello street (where the “La Scala” restaurant is present), and from October 2022 it holds this system for heating, cooling and DHW production, to date the only one in Europe (the other three Demos of the project, in Austria and Spain, will not have a similar level of penetration). (Lorenzo note: probably the journalist wrote this, as I said that the other demos would not have the micro pumps as terminals instead of radiators or fan-coils).
On Wednesday, in the afternoon, from 15 to 17, in Monastero della Stella, in Saluzzo, a conference open to public will be held, to explain this technology, followed by the visit on the Verzuolo Building to illustrate the project.
Corriere di Saluzzo
The city of Saluzzo will host the fifth general assembly of the project “Happening”, financed by the European Commission in the context of the Horizon 2020 program. Partners involved in the initiative are twelve, with the Tecnozenith company from Saluzzo among them, that will riunited Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of May at Monastero della Stella.
In the afternoon of 17th, moreover, in the same location an event open to public will be held, where the details of the project will be explained and after that it would be possible to reach Verzuolo (in Castello street), where the prototipe building of the project is, actually unique in Europe.
Project “HAPPENING” focus on a new solution and technology to renovate from an energy point of view the existent buildings, by using heat pumps and micro-heat pumps as teminal in the rooms, tanking advantage of the existent ditribution system with a neutral temperature water circuit (25°C c.a.).
“This techonology” Tecnozenith technicians explain “has the great advantage to renovate from an energy point of view the existent buildings, by using heat pumps, a technology easily mateable with renewable systems, and to use the existent distribution grid, without invasive interventions inside the houses, with a minimal loss of energy for distribution thanks to the low temperature of the water near to the ambient one, with micro-heat pumps that provides also cooling during summer, without having to isntall autonomous air conditioning systems, even in case of old buildings”.
Tecnozenith has long been involved in the development of innovative projects in the field of energy efficiency. Among these, the first condominium energy community project in Italy, carried out in joint venture with the public company Acea Energie Nuove and the Turin Polytechnic